26 October 2021

Pears Can Overcome Digestive Problems. Myth or Fact?

By Kalbe Consumer Health

Pears Can Overcome Digestive Problems.png

Most people only know papaya as a fruit that is effective in overcoming constipation. Undoubtedly, papaya's high fiber makes this fruit effective in preventing and overcoming constipation problems quickly and effectively. This fact does not include the powerful papain enzyme that helps speed up the digesting protein that enters the body, kills parasites in the intestines, softens stools, and improves gut health, directly related to a healthier digestive system.

This research is written by the Neuroendocrinology letters research, which states that papaya is a fruit with complete nutritional content that functions to maintain a healthy digestive tract and treat various digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, besides papaya, other fruits can overcome constipation while maintaining a healthy digestive system as a whole. It is a pear.

Can Pears Treat Constipation?

The US Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends that men under the age of 50 consume 30-33 grams of fiber per day, while women of the same age advise consuming 25-28 grams of fiber per day. Meanwhile, it is recommended for men over 50 years old to consume 28 grams of fiber per day, and women of the same age are advised to consume 22 grams of fiber per day. A medium-sized pear contains 5.5 grams of fiber. Relatively high compared to other fruits.

Not only that, pears contain some other nutrients, such as pectin, a water-soluble fiber that feeds the good bacteria in the gut and helps control the number of harmful bacteria in it.

With this content, pears are proven to be an excellent fruit to prevent constipation. This claim is due to the content of fructose and sorbitol in the function of overcoming constipation. Even the amount of both types of sugar is much higher than other fruits. The body does not digest fructose and sorbitol themselves but directly flows into the large intestine.

In the large intestine, fructose and sorbitol act as water attractants that help the stool become softer and more accessible for the body to expel. The more pears consumed, the constipation problem will be faster and easier to overcome.

Benefits of Pears for Digestion

Not only prevent and treat constipation, reported in Medical News Today, but pears are also claimed to be effective in treating diverticulitis. This condition occurs when small pouches in the lining of the large intestine become infected and inflamed.

In addition, pears effectively maximize the detoxification process or the process of removing toxins in the body. Not only effective in preventing disease, but the maximum detoxification process also supports intestinal health and effectively prevents constipation.

Besides being suitable for overcoming the problem of constipation, pears are also suitable for people with stomach acid. Even the fiber and pectin content contained in pears can reduce the level of stomach acidity so that it can minimize. In addition to pears, many other fruits can consume to launch and maintain a healthy digestive system, including berries, papayas, avocados, bananas, oranges, and apples. Especially for apples, the highest fiber content is in the skin.

To make pears more work more optimal, make sure to consume pears and combine with other fruits and green vegetables. Meet the body's fluid needs, and contact the doctor immediately if the symptoms of constipation have been occurring for more than three days. Sometimes the help of laxatives is needed to deal with constipation, according to the doctor's recommendations.


Healthline. Diakses pada 2021. 9 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Pears.

Medical News Today. Diakses pada 2021. What to Know About Pears.

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